In the Valley of Emotions

Click On Image To view Original In the Valley of EmotionsI’m glad I didn’t let you sleep.I want to show you your love isdeep as the valley of my emotions.Long ago your heart planted a seedthat grew into something I need.I just have to have you near.Now I know my love for you is real.There is no other way I can feel.I thank the Lord you are here. Love poem , design poem , true love poem , valentine...

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A Special Love

Click on image to view original A Special Love  There is a love that dwells deep within a caring heart. There’s an understanding the two people can’t part Common trust and security creates a sense of peace, and this feeling lasts even when someone does leave. This love is constant and changing as it grows. This relationship is so special only two souls can know. Love poem , design poem , true...

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